About us

(Click here to see some photos of sites in the Conservancy)

All over the world more and more people are becoming conscious of the degradation of our natural environment. The causes of this degradation are complex but are indirectly related to the human population explosion. It is no longer possible to reinstate ourselves in the natural world, but we may endeavour to protect and even rehabilitate our natural habitat.

The Bronberg Conservancy is situated close to the major urban settlements of Gauteng Province in South Africa (Pretoria and Johannesburg), but the unique ecological and physical features of the Bronberg make it worthy of protection from conventional urban development and other inappropriate uses.

The Bronberg Conservancy is formed through an association of private landowners who have jointly agreed to take down fences between their properties, and to allow game to wander freely in the area.

The Bronberg represents the Eastern section of the Magaliesberg mountain range, which is 100 times older than Everest. This old mountainous region lies between Garsfontein and Graham Road (Lynnwood Road extension) south-east of Pretoria. The Pienaars river originates here and has eroded a passage through the Bronberg.

The Bronberg Conservancy covers an area of over 300 hectares, and includes a number of ecological zones, incorporating quartzite ridges as well as grassland areas. It is home to a remarkable diversity of plant and animal life.

(Click here to see some photos of sites in the Conservancy)